Lampes de chevet design

72 products

Lampe de chevet design : faites le bon choix

With a designer bedside lamp, your nights will never be the same again. Whether you want to finish a novel before closing your eyes or gently plunge into the world of dreams, this decorative lighting is far from dispensable. How could you live without it all this time?

Comfortably installed on a bedside table, a design lamp watches over your nights. Decorative, functional, the bedside lamp is the light that gently accompanies you to the magical worlds of Morpheus. It can also be particularly beautiful.

What is a bedside lamp?

As its name suggests, the bedside lamp is intended to sit proudly at the head of the bed. Placed on a bedside table, this lighting lamp is appreciated for its very decorative aspect. Of course, it is very useful for doing some activities before going to sleep, but if it is so popular, it is first of all for its unusual appearance.

Les grandes tendances de lampes de chevet design

It is out of the question to choose a basic-looking bedside lamp. It's time to have some fun with the designs of the greatest interior designers.

A simple way to achieve this is to opt for a designer bedside lamp with an original base. Whether it's chrome-plated, thin, tubular or geometrically shaped, an unusual lamp base will instantly add elegance to your environment.

Pour les adeptes du style scandinave, il existe des lampes de chevet qui mélange harmonieusement bois et matières naturelles. Pour un effet garanti, investissez dans une lampe de chevet où bois et opaline fusionnent délicatement.

Do you want to enter a bubble of zen every time you enter your room? If so, you should definitely go for a ceramic bedside lamp. Evoking the serene temples of the East, it will make you want to sing "ohm" and let yourself be carried along by life. An ideal state of mind to (finally) get rid of stress.

Dans un style plus théâtral, il existe aussi des lampes de chevet qui reprennent les codes des luminaires ou des lampadaires. S'ancrant avec force sur les plafonds ou dans le sol, elles apportent de la structure à votre espace nuit. Autre avantage de taille : ces éclairages résolument modernes vous laissent libre d'utiliser tout l'espace de votre table de chevet comme bon vous semble.