Tapis scandinaves

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Tapis scandinaves : large choix de tapis scandinaves : faites le bon choix

Bring a bit of hygge into your home with these Scandinavian rugs that are as cosy as they are beautiful. Discover these ornaments that smell like the fresh air of the great North. Who could have predicted that the icy tundras of Scandinavia would be so warm?

The Scandinavian ruga does not need to be painted to attract attention, quite the contrary... The secret of its beauty is its minimalist aesthetic which allows it to go through the ages without taking a wrinkle.

Scandinavian rugs with timeless charm

Ask any interior designer about authentic Scandinavian rugs and they will tell you about simple geometric lines and clean colours.

Lovers of light colours, Scandinavians generally opt for white, beige or grey for their furniture. However, it is not uncommon to see pieces in a beautiful azure blue or a strong magenta.

As far as patterns are concerned, stripes and straight lines are the most popular in this style trend. Instead of masking the beauty of the materials, these patterns enhance it, give it boldness and, above all, add soul to the room. You definitely need a Scandinavian rug...

The Scandinavian rug: a rug with style a

Before falling for it, ask yourself if the Scandinavian rug you are about to buy a belongs in your home. To be beautiful, a decoration must be harmonious.

Does the carpet a match the spirit of the rest of the room? Do its colours match those already in your home? Will the final result meet your requirements? If it does not match the rest of the decoration, even the most beautiful Scandinavian rug will look bland.
Also, pay attention to the material. Materials such as sheepskin, although cosy, require more maintenance than viscose or polypropylene.

Another element not to be neglected is the size of the carpet. If the room is small, choose a carpet with reduced proportions. If the room is huge, you can go for a huge carpet worthy of one of Louis XVI's castles.

Last but not least: the shape. Round, rectangular, square... The Scandinavian rug is not limited to one shape.

A Scandinavian rug can be used as a bedside rug, as an eye-catcher on a side table or as a space divider.