Promos d'été

Lampadaires en plumes

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Lampadaire en plume : faites le bon choix

Charm and pleasure, here are the key words of the romantic decoration which accompanies the Floor lamps in feather and other lights allowing to create a true cocoon of well-being. Follow our advice to perfect this poetic spirit and highlight your Floor lamp feather.

With its attention to detail and soft, cozy tones, the Floor lamp feather bedding will bring that dreamy, romantic touch to any room in your home. In a bedroom, it is with touches of pastel and powdered color like pink, beige, sky blue or water green that it will perfectly match, giving elegance to your decoration.

Embellish with details with our Floor lamps feathers

All in delicacy, the lighting in feathers transforms any room into a real jewel box with its soft lines and its airy and elegant bird feathers. A "shabby-chic" style, in French "chic usé", which plays on the refined and which highlights the feminine softness and the bohemian and bucolic inspirations. Choose your lighting in pastel or white tones to bring finesse and associate it with any decoration!

But it's all a matter of dosage! To avoid falling into the too-much-much side, we avoid associating too many pieces of the same color or the same style. Therefore, we associate the soft feathers of lighting with cushions in light shades or light curtains, which let the light pass through. To structure the room and give style, we also dare to associate the sensuality and the airy side of feathers with raw materials such as gold wrought iron or wood, but also softer materials such as linen, cotton or lace.

Character and softness with a feathered Floor lamp

But be careful not to overload the space. We leave all its place to lighting to open the room, add an original touch to the decoration and sublimate in a very simple way noble and delicate materials. The creations in feathers neat and all in subtlety will charm any interior!