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Spot extérieur : faites le bon choix

Need to light up your garden or terrace? Install an outdoor Spotlight to harmonize the whole and create a nice atmosphere as soon as you enter the house. Discover our large collection on BoCoussin.

Having a beautifully decorated home is a great privilege. But it would be a shame to have a beautiful interior and leave the exterior as it is. But sometimes all it takes is a cleverly placed Spotlight to harmonise the whole and create a beautiful atmosphere as soon as you walk through the door.

A wide choice of Spotlights

Thanks to advances in technology, it is now easy to discover a wide range of Spotlights outdoor lights that can beautify your garden or façade. If you want to provide discreet lighting for your terrace or the edge of your pool, you can opt for Spotlights recessed lights. However, to highlight your garden or a tree in the middle of it, the Spotlight outdoor pole light is ideal. It is also very easy to install as you simply plant it in the ground.

To elegantly illuminate a path or a driveway in your garden, you should not hesitate to choose a solar-powered outdoorSpotlight . It allows you to save a lot of money as it works with the energy of the sun captured by photovoltaic cells and stored in batteries. In addition, it is now possible to choose from a large number of designs, in order to give an extra touch to the decoration of your garden.

Security and brightness on demand with our outdoor Spotlights

Nowadays, most outdoorSpotlights are equipped with LEDs. These have the advantage of having a much longer life than conventional lamps. In addition, they consume very little energy and now operate at very low voltage. As a result, they give off a pleasant and soft light. In addition, LED lamps are in most cases recyclable, which means that they are now classified as non-hazardous waste.

It is also possible to opt for the Spotlight special outdoor halogen. It offers very powerful lighting, with wattages ranging from 100 to 1,500 W. It is therefore ideal for giving more relief to a large area. This could be a lawn, terrace, facade, gate, garage entrance or porch. However, it is very energy intensive and it is difficult to find a wide variety of designs.

De l'autre côté, il est primordial de se pencher sur l'aspect sécuritaire de vos installations extérieures. En effet, il est recommandé qu'elles soient conformes avec la norme de sécurité NF C 15-100. Et pour prévenir tout risque d'accident, il faut installer un interrupteur différentiel de 30 mA sur chaque circuit. Il faut souligner que l'assurance ne vous couvre pas si un incendie ou un court-circuit se déclenche et que vos installations électriques ne répondent pas aux normes en vigueur. De même, il est conseillé de privilégier des projecteurs extérieurs qui possèdent les indices de protection IP44, IP54 et IP64.