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Bedroom ceiling lights

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Plafonnier chambre : faites le bon choix

To enjoy a serene and soothing atmosphere in your bedroom and to promote a truly restful sleep, it is sometimes enough: a soothing painting, a cosy armchair where sipping herbal tea, a warm plaid and above all, a Ceiling room that diffuses a soft and warm light.

Crafted, modern style, classic or rustic, adorned with foliage or flowers, with one or more blades, in fabrics or nickel, equipped with a low-power bulb, an LED or a halogen bulb, in the form of a wall lamp or pendant lamp; The possibilities are almost endless. Because the house is traditionally a haven of peace. A small paradise to be found after a long and hard day and it is important that it be for you a real cocoon, reassuring and relaxing.

Consequently, everything in it should invite you to rest, from its decoration to its lighting. And this is why special attention must be paid to the lighting. In terms of style, of course, because not all lights go with all bedrooms. And you will have to find the ceiling lamp that will perfectly complement the decoration of your resting place. No false notes in such an important place! But also in terms of lighting, because there are a rules to respect to ensure the most restful of nights...

To create a soft and cosy atmosphere in the bedroom, you should opt for non-aggressive lighting. To do this, avoid installing bulbs in your bedroom ceiling light that are too white or too cold, above 4000 Kelvin. This is because with such lighting, the brain will think that it is daytime and that it is time to wake up. A signal that it will immediately share with the body and that will prevent you from finding rest. On the contrary, the lighting should be soft, diffused and warm, with a slightly yellow tinge. Such lighting prepares the body for bed and instantly soothes.

En outre, pour compléter à merveille les efforts de votre plafonnier, songez à lui adjoindre des lampes de chevets, car des points d'éclairage multiples accroissent encore l'impression de lumière diffuse. De quoi vous offrir la plus zen des chambres à coucher !